Parent Communication

Quality relationships are at the core of our work in our Christ centered, child focused school. We believe parents are the first educators of their  children and we partner with them on their learning journey.  Good communication is vital to successful partnerships. At OLG we communicate with parents and the wider community through a variety of means.

School – Parent Communication

  • School Stream is our app for communicating to parents. Simply download from your app store.
  • Weekly school newsletters emailed to you, which are also available on the website. Usually published on Wednesdays.
  • Electronic and face-to-face conversations with teachers. Emails will be answered within 24 hours during business hours. Any urgent communication can be sent through reception on 6241 9500 or email admin@olg.wa
  • Formal reporting:
    • Term One: Three way conferences led by children that focus on each child’s development in terms of the keys to success: persistence, confidence, organisation, getting along with others and resilience.
    • Term Two: Formal reports and requested interviews.
    • Term Four: Formal reports.
    • Individual Education Plan (IEP) Meetings are conducted in Terms One and Three for those students needing an Individual Education Plan. Transition meetings will be held prior to school starting and coordinated by the Learning Support Coordinator.

Parent – School Communication 

  • Always meet with your child’s teacher if you have a concern, the sooner the better. The teacher is the first port of call for concerns. If you are not satisfied then a meeting can be arranged with the Assistant Principal and Teacher. Concerns may be escalated to the Principal in urgent cases or if the issue remains after previous teacher/Assistant Principal meetings.
  • After school is a good time to see your child’s teacher on an informal basis.
  • Formal meetings with teachers may be arranged in person, by email or phone.
  • Absentee notes may be emailed, phoned or submitted via the button above.

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