Religious Education

At Our Lady of Grace, nurturing our students in the Catholic faith is central to our whole curriculum. The school’s Religious Education program is a systematic and sequenced program of helping children relate the Catholic faith to their daily lives.

The Religious Education units of work are mandated by the Bishops of W.A.  The units of work are grouped under three major themes, which focus upon how children can reflect God who is Creator, Mystery and Trinity.

All teaching staff are accredited to teach Religious Education and undergo regular renewal in this area. Pre Primary and Year One devote about 15 minutes per day to formal religion lessons while classes from Year Two to Year Six have lessons lasting approximately 30 minutes. These lessons are in addition to a rich prayer of faith experience undertaken by the school. Our school begins each week by meeting and praying together.

While the school has a responsibility in preparing our students to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation this is done as part of the Archdiocesan family based, parish led, school supported model of Sacraments. Each year the school organises interactive and dynamic retreats for sacramental candidates and their parents.

While it is a stand alone subject, assessed as any other rigorous academic discipline, there is the hope that its content and Christian message will become integrated into the lives of our students. To that end our faith beliefs are integrated into all areas of the curriculum.

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